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"Judge Rules Stonecrest City Councilmember Cobble May Keep Seat," On Common Ground News

In an article published by On Common Ground on February 15, 2020, Bryan P. Tyson is referenced as counsel to Stonecrest Councilwoman Jazzmin Cobble. 

On Friday, February 14, DeKalb County Superior Court Judge Mark Anthony Scott ruled that Councilwoman Cobble may keep her elected seat.

The city had filed a declaratory judgment action to ask whether Cobble must forfeit her seat because she missed too many City Council meetings based on the city’s charter.  The city’s charter, Section 2.03 (a) states that a council person forfeits his or her office by “failing to attend one-third of the regular meetings of the council in a three-month period without being excused by the council."

Judge Scott denied the city’s request to remove Cobble from office, saying that he was not “hung up on due process issues.”

DeKalb County Superior Court Judge Mark Anthony Scott on Friday (Feb. 14) ruled that Stonecrest Councilwoman Jazzmin Cobble may keep her elected seat.

